The Rhenish choir continues to grow exponentially in numbers. The choir is seen as one big crazy family. It provides a space for the learners to lose themselves in singing as they forget about the challenges of the day and appreciate their common gift.
The choir perform throughout the year and they also participate in the Eisteddfod, the Paul Roos Bekoor evening and the Stellenbosch High School's Awesome Foursome evening. The choir is also called upon to sing at school events like Open Day (March), school assemblies and any special school occasions (our birthday or an opening of facilities).
The therapeutic value of singing in a large group can never be underestimated, not to mention the positive spirit and camaraderie amongst the girls. Proof of the pudding is in the eating: numerous past choir members have recognised this value after having left the school and we are encouraged to hear the positive feedback.
"We laugh together, cry together and make music together ... sisi ni moya, we are one!"